Good day, dear students! Welcome back to our class. Today, we are going to learn about a very special topic: “God the Creator.” This lesson is very important because it helps us understand who God is, what He has done, and why we should appreciate and take care of His creation.
Objectives of the lesson
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to understand that God made all things, explain who God is, discuss the attributes of God, and mention what God created.
God Made All Things (Genesis 1:1-27)
Let’s start with the story of how everything began. In the Bible, the very first book is called Genesis. Genesis means “the beginning.” Genesis 1:1 says,
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth
Genesis 1:1
This means that before anything existed, God was there. He made everything from nothing.
God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh day. Each day, He made something new:
- Day One: God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. He separated the light from the darkness, calling the light “day” and the darkness “night.”
- Day Two: God made the sky and separated the waters above from the waters below.
- Day Three: God gathered the waters together and let dry ground appear, calling the dry ground “land” and the gathered waters “seas.” He also made plants and trees on this day.
- Day Four: God created the sun, moon, and stars to give light to the earth and to mark days, seasons, and years.
- Day Five: God made the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky.
- Day Six: God created animals to live on the land, and finally, He made man and woman in His own image.
Memory Verse
Our memory verse for today is Genesis 1:1:
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
Genesis 1:1
Who is God?
God is the Supreme Being who created everything. He is all-powerful, all-knowing, and ever-present. This means that God has unlimited power, knows everything, and is present everywhere.
God is also our Father in Heaven. He loves us very much and wants us to know Him and have a relationship with Him. Because He is our Creator, we should respect and obey Him.
Attributes of God
God has many wonderful attributes, which are qualities that describe Him. Here are some of them:
- Omnipotent: This means God is all-powerful. He can do anything He wants. For example, He created the entire universe just by speaking.
- Omniscient: This means God is all-knowing. He knows everything that has happened, is happening, and will happen.
- Omnipresent: This means God is present everywhere at the same time. There is no place we can go where God is not there.
- Loving: God loves each one of us deeply and unconditionally. He cares for us and wants the best for us.
- Holy: God is pure and perfect. There is no sin or wrong in Him.
Let’s remember these attributes as they help us understand how great and wonderful God is.
What Did God Create?
God created everything that exists. Here is a list of some things God created:
- Light: God made light to shine in the darkness.
- Sky and Seas: God made the sky above and the seas below.
- Land and Plants: God created dry land and covered it with all kinds of plants, trees, and flowers.
- Sun, Moon, and Stars: God made the sun to shine during the day and the moon and stars to shine at night.
- Animals: God created all the animals that live in the water, on the land, and in the sky.
- Humans: God made man and woman in His own image. This means we are special because we are made to be like God in many ways, such as being able to think, love, and create.
Importance of Understanding God as the Creator
Knowing that God is the Creator helps us appreciate the world around us. It reminds us to take care of the environment, to be kind to animals, and to love and respect other people. Everything and everyone is a part of God’s creation, and He wants us to be good stewards of it.
When we understand that God made us, we can see our value and worth. We are not accidents; we are beautifully and wonderfully made by a loving Creator. This understanding gives us purpose and meaning in life.
Fun Fact
Did you know that there are over 7.5 billion people in the world today? Each one of us is unique and special, created by God!
Engaging with the Lesson
Let’s think about this: Have you ever created something, like a drawing or a craft? How did you feel about it? Imagine how much more God loves and cares for the world and for you, since He made everything!
To recap, we learned that God is the Creator of everything. He made the heavens and the earth, light and darkness, sky and seas, land and plants, sun, moon, and stars, animals, and humans. God is all-powerful, all-knowing, and present everywhere. Understanding that God is our Creator helps us appreciate and take care of His creation and know our own value and purpose.
I encourage you to think about what it means that God made you and everything around you. Feel free to ask questions or explore more about this wonderful topic.
For teachers who would like to teach this lesson, you can find a comprehensive lesson plan here.
Quiz & Evaluation
Let’s see how much you’ve learned, complete this quiz to test your knowledge.
Question 1: Who created the heavens and the earth?